Bicycling along the Blue Ridge Road Scenic Byway

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bike map symbolsThe 17-mile Blue Ridge Road is low on mileage but abounds with scenery and solitude. From North Hudson to Newcomb, the route winds through forests along the southern fringe of the Adirondack High Peaks region with few glimpses of civilization in between.

Blue Ridge Road

Blue Ridge Road

Road Biking Opportunities

A ride along the Blue Ridge Road, County Route 2, offers great scenery, good surface quality and light traffic. Other on-road or path rides and loops in the area include:

Family Ride – Ride out of North Creek along the Hudson River on Route 28 the 5 miles to North River, a flat ride with four pullouts along the way for a rest break, a close-up view of the Hudson River, and to read the informative panels posted there. Turn around at North River after a stop at the general store. There are wide shoulders but the traffic can be heavy at times.

Moderate RideNorth Creek-Chestertown-Olmsteadville Loop is a 27-mile loop beginning in North Creek, to Chestertown and back north through Olmsteadville, on lightly traveled roads.

Training RideAdirondack Lakes Cycling Loop, also called Teddy’s Loop for Teddy Roosevelt in the 25 Adirondack Bike Tours book, is an 80-mile loop from North Creek through Indian Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, Long Lake and Newcomb. Follows a varying terrain, often relatively flat but a few good climbs as it skirts south of the High Peaks, all on main highways with wide shoulders in most spots.

Mountain Bike Opportunities

A couple of nice rides are listed below. Be sure to check in with local bike shops and Chambers of commerce to check on these and other suggestions.

  • Camp Santanoni Bike Ride, Newcomb – A 5-mile ride (10 miles round-trip) to an historic Great Camp in a wilderness setting. The ride is very pleasant through the woods along a rolling, narrow, hard-packed dirt road. The only hill is near the end, just before reaching the camp. Watch for the occasional horse-drawn wagon, another option sometimes available for a visit to Camp Santanoni on the shore of Newcomb lake. The camp, abandoned for many years but now stabilized and slowly being restored, is open to the public for educational, recreational and inspirational purposes. Pack a lunch, there are no services.
  • Garnet Hill Mountain Bike Center & Lodge, near North River – The cross-country ski trails, old roads and single-track bike trails combine for a great variety of mountain biking.
    also check for a few more rides in this area

Not to Miss

  • Adirondack Interpretive Center, Newcomb – The Adirondack Interpretive Center in Newcomb is operated by the State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry (SUNY-ESF). Information about the Adirondack Park is provided, along with trail systems, interpretive displays, guidebooks and friendly information.
  • Swim at the Newcomb Town Beach on Lake Harris
  • View the Hudson River as a small stream, as it passes under the Route 28N bridge
  • Picnic lunch at Overlook Park, on the east side of Newcomb and enjoy the spectacular view of the High Peaks from the south, aided by a display of the 25+ peaks in the view
  • The Wild Center Natural History Museum, Tupper Lake
  • The Adirondack Museum, Blue Mountain Lake

Bike Events in the Area

Bike Shops Nearby

Visitor Information

Check in with Chamber offices, bike shops and other sports shops in the area to get the latest information and review your route with someone knowledgeable of the area. When biking, dress for the weather and carry water, snacks, map, repair kit and cell phone. When biking in rural areas, services could be few and far between, and cell phone service may not always be available. See the Before You Ride notices in the bottom section of this website, as well as the Disclaimer notice.


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